Nta Ugc Net New Syllabus 2019 For Prakrit

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Unit – I: History of the Prakrit Language: Origin and Development

1. Elements of the Prakrit language in Vedic literature 2. Earliest source of Prakrit 3. Development of the Prakrit language:

Primary Prakrit –

1) Inscriptional Prakrit, Niya Prakrit, Prakrit Dhammapada 2) General introduction to the language of the Aṅga Canonical texts 3) General introduction to the language of the texts – Kasāyapāhuḍa,

Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama and the texts of Kundakunda Secondary Prakrit –

1) Language of the Upāṅga canonical texts and Mūlasūtras : Aupapātika,

Rājapraśnīya, Daśavaikālika, Uttarādhyayana 2) General introduction to the language of the Mūlācāra, Bhagavatī Ārādhanā and

Tiloyapaṇṇatti 3) General introduction to the language of Gāthāsaptasatī, Paümacariyaṃ and

Vasudevahiṇḍī Tertiary Prakrit:

1) Commentary literature of the Canons : general introduction to the language of the Dhavalā and Jayadhavalā, sukhabodhā, commentary of Śīlāṅka on Sūtrakṛtāṅga 2) General introduction to the Setubandha, Gaüḍavaho, Līlāvaikahā and Prakrit

texts of Haribhadrasūri, Kuvalayamālākahā 3) Origin of the Apabhraṃśa language: Study of the works of Joindu, Svayambhū and Puṣpadanta & the Apabhraṃśa verses cited by Hemacandra in his Prakrit grammar.

4. Contribution of Prakrit to the development of modern Indian languages: Hindi

and other regional languages

Unit – II: Origin and characteristic features of different Prakrits

1. Mahārāṣṭrī 2. Śaurasenī 3. Ardhamāgadhī 4. Māgadhī 5. Paiśācī 6. Apabhraṃśa

Unit – III: Prakrit Canons and Commentry literature

1. History of Ardhamāgadhī and Śaurasenī canonical literature 2. History of commentary literature of the Prakrit canons 3. General introduction to the Samaṇasuttaṃ

Unit – IV: History of Prakrit Kāvya literature

1. Mahākāvya 2. Khanḍakāvya 3. Caritakāvya 4. Kathākāvya 5. Campūkāvya 6. Muktakakāvya

Unit – V: Prakrit in the ancient dramatic literature and Saṭṭaka literature

1. Prakrits in the dramas of Aśvaghoṣa and Bhāsa 2. Prakrits in the Mṛcchakaṭika, Mudrārākṣasa and in the dramas of Kālidāsa 3. Characteristic features of the Saṭṭaka literature

Unit – VI: Prakrit Inscriptional literature

1. Study of the 14 Rock-edicts of the Girnar version of Emperor Aśoka 2. Study of the Hāthīgumphā Inscription of Emperor Khāravela 3. Study of the Ghaṭiyāla Inscription of Kakkuka

Unit – VII: Prakrit Scientific literature

1. Rhetorics 2. Kośa 3. Some important Prakrit texts on Astrology and Mathematics 4. Prakrit grammarians and grammatical treatises 5. Metrics 6. Features with examples of some of the metres in Prakrit and Apabhraṃśa

a. Prakrit Metres – gahā, patthā, viulā, uggāhā, gāhū, siṃhiṇī, gāhiṇī, khaṃdhaa b. Apabhraṃśa Metres – duvai, kaḍavaa, ghattā, pajjhaḍiā, helā, caüpāiyā


Unit – VIII: Prakrit Grammar and Prakrit Philology

1. Prakrit Grammar – General rules of the Noun, Adjective, Pronoun,Verb, Indeclinables,

Case, Case-endings, Sandhi and Samāsa 2. Prakrit Philology – Phonetic Changes – vowels and consonants, ya-śruti, anusvāra, anunāsika, visarga; Phonetic behaviors – Assimilation, Dissimilation, Anaptyxix, Metathesis, Elision, Āgama and etc.

Unit – IX: Study of the Original Prakrit Texts

1. Ācārāṅga (First śrutaskandha : Chapter I – satthapariṇṇā; Chapter II- logavijaya) 2. Uttarādhyayana (Chapter I – Viṇayasuyaṃ, Chapter IX – namipavajjā) 3. Daśavaikālika (Chapters – I, II, III and IV) 4. Pravacanasāra of Kundakunda (Chapter I – jñādhikāra) 5. Sammaisuttaṃ of Siddhasena (Full text) 6. Dravyasaṃgraha of Nemicandra (Full text) 7. Bhagavatī Ārādhanā of Śivārya (verses 1 – 72) 8. Vasunandī-śrāvakācāra (verses 1 – 50 and the verses based on seven types of addictions

60 – 87 and 101 – 111)

Unit – X: Study of the Original Prakrit Kāvya literature

1. Mṛcchakaṭika of Śūdraka – only Prakrit portions (Chapters 1,2 and 6) 2. Setubandha of Pravarasena – Chapter I 3. Vajjālaggaṃ of Jayavallabha – First eight vajjās : soyāra, gāhā, kavva, sajjaṇa, dujjaṇa,

mitta, neha, nīivajjā 4. Gāhāsattasaī of Hāla – First śataka : verses 1 – 50 5. Samarāiccakahā – Chapter I 6. Kuvalayamālākahā Uddyotansūri – paragraphs 1-12 7. Karpūramañjarī of Rājaśekhara (Full) 8. Paümacariu of Svayambhū – Chapters 21 and 22 9. Nāyakumāracariu of Puṣpadanta – Chapter I 10. General introduction to the modern Prakrit literature

1) Rayaṇavālakahā 2) Bhāvaṇāsāro 3) Virāgasetu 4) Titthayara-bhāvaṇā

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