Are you searching for the UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023 PDF Download? Look no further, as we have compiled all the important details and tips to help you prepare for the exam.
The UGC NET Linguistics exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for candidates who wish to pursue a career in the field of Linguistics. The exam assesses the candidates’ knowledge in the subject and tests their eligibility for lectureship and research fellowships.
If you are planning to appear for the UGC NET Linguistics 2023 exam, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. In this article, we have compiled all the important information you need to know about the UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023 PDF Download
UGC NET Linguistics Exam Pattern 2023:
The UGC NET Linguistics exam consists of two papers – Paper 1 and Paper 2. Both papers are conducted on the same day, and the duration of each paper is 3 hours. The exam is conducted online, and each question carries 2 marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
The UGC NET Linguistics Exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Paper 1:
- Duration: 3 hours
- Number of questions: 50
- Total marks: 100
- Type of questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on general aptitude, teaching and research aptitude, and current affairs.
Paper 2:
- Duration: 3 hours
- Number of questions: 100
- Total marks: 200
- Type of questions: MCQs based on Linguistics subjects.
Both papers are conducted in a single session with no break in between. The candidates are required to appear for both papers to be considered for the selection process.
It’s important to note that there is no negative marking for incorrect answers in UGC NET Linguistics Exam.
UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023: Download PDF
The UGC NET Linguistics syllabus is divided into two parts – Paper 1 and Paper 2. Here’s a detailed syllabus for both papers.
Paper 1 Syllabus:
Teaching Aptitude:
- Teaching: Nature, objectives, characteristics, and basic requirements.
- Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners, and individual differences.
- Methods of teaching: Teacher-centered vs. learner-centered methods; Off-line vs. online methods.
- Evaluation systems: Elements and types of evaluation, evaluation in higher education, and grading system.
Research Aptitude:
- Research: Meaning, types, and characteristics.
- Steps of research.
- Methods of research.
- Research Ethics.
Reading Comprehension:
- Comprehension passages.
- Communication: Nature, characteristics, types, barriers, and effective communication.
- Verbal and non-verbal communication.
- Classroom communication.
Logical Reasoning:
- Understanding the structure of arguments.
- Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning.
- Verbal analogies.
Data Interpretation:
- Sources, acquisition, and interpretation of data.
- Quantitative and qualitative data.
- Graphical representation and mapping of data.
Paper 2 Syllabus:
Nta Ugc Net Linguistics Syllabus 2023 in English
Unit-1: Language and Linguistics
Nature of Language: Language in spoken and written modes, language as
written text—philological and literary notions i.e., norm, purity
and their preservation; language as a cultural heritage—codification
and transmission of cultural knowledge and behavior; language as a
marker of social identity; language as an object i.e., notion of
autonomy, structure and its units and components; design Features
of language; writing system—units of writing—sound (alphabetic),
or syllable (syllabic) and morpheme/word (logographic), sign
language; existence of language faculty; linguistic competence, ideal
Approaches to the Study of Language: Ancient approaches to the
study of language: Indian and Greco-Roman, semiotic approach—
interpretation of sign; language as a system of social behaviour—use
of language in family, community and country; language as a
system of communication—communicative functions—
emotive, conative, referential, poetic, metalinguistic and phatic;
language as a cognitive system; relation with culture and thought
(Linguistic Relativity); Saussurean dichotomies: signifier and
signified, langue and parole, synchronic and diachronic, syntagmatic
and paradigmatic.
Language Analysis: Levels and their hierarchy—
phonetic/phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic/pragmatic;
their interrelations; linguistic units and their distribution at different levels;
notions of contrast and complementation; -emic and -etic categorisation; notion of
rule at different levels; description vs. explanation of grammatical facts.
Linguistics and other Fields: Relevance of Linguistics to other fields of
enquiry—Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Neurology, Speech Sciences,
Geography, Psychology, Education, Computer Science and Literature.
Unit 2. Phonetics and Phonology
Phonetics as a study of speech sounds: articulatory, auditory, and
acoustic phonetics.
Articulatory Phonetics: Processes of speech production: airstream
process, oro-nasal process, phonation process, and articulatory process;
classification of speech sounds: vowels and consonants, cardinal vowels (primary
and secondary); complex articulation: secondary articulation, coarticulation;
syllable; suprasegmentals—length, stress, tone, intonation and juncture;
phonetic transcription: International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Acoustic Phonetics: Sound waves— simple and complex, periodic and
aperiodic; harmonics; frequency and fundamental frequency, amplitude,
duration; resonance, filters, spectrum, spectrogram; formants, transition,
burst; voice onset time; aspiration; noise spectra; cues for speech sounds: vowel
(monophthong and diphthong), semivowel, stop, fricative, nasal, lateral, glide,
places of articulation of consonants.
Descriptive Phonology: Phonetics vs. phonology; concept of phoneme, phone and
allophone; principles of phonemic analysis— phonetic similarity, contrastive
distribution, complementary distribution, free variation, pattern congruity;
notions of biuniqueness, neutralization and archiphoneme.
Generative Phonology: Linear and non-linear approaches: levels of phonological
representation; phonological rules; distinctive features (major class, manner,
place, etc.); abstractness controversy; rule ordering and types of rule ordering,
markedness; principles of lexical phonology; principles of optimality theory.
Unit 3. Morphology
Basic Concepts: Scope and nature of morphology; concepts of morpheme,
morph, allomorph, zero allomorph, conditions on allomorphs; lexeme and word;
Types of morphemes—free and bound; root, stem, base, suffix, infix, prefix,
portmanteau morpheme, suppletive, replacive; affixes vs. clitics; grammatical
categories – tense, aspect, mood, person, gender, number, case; case markers and
case relations; pre- and post-positions; models of morphological description: item
and arrangement, item and process, word and paradigm;
Morphological Analysis: Identification of morphemes; morphological
alternation; morphophonemic processes; internal and external sandhi; inflection
vs. derivation; conjugation and declension.
Word-Formation Processes: Derivation (primary vs. secondary derivation,
nominalization, verbalization, etc.), compounding (types of compounds:
endocentric, exocentric, etc.), reduplication, back-formation, conversion,
clipping, blending, acronyms, folk etymology, creativity and productivity,
blocking, bracketing paradoxes, constraints on affix ordering.
Morpho-syntax: Nominalization and lexicalist hypothesis; grammatical
function changing rules: causatives, passives.
Unit 4. Syntax
Traditional and Structural Syntax: parts of speech: Indian classification (naama,
aakhyaata, upasarga, nipaata); basic syntactic units and their types: word,
phrase, clause, sentence, karaka relations; grammatical relations and case
relations; construction types (exocentric, endocentric, etc.), immediate
constituent analysis.
Generative Syntax: Parameters and universal grammar, null subject
parameter, innateness hypothesis, meaning of the term ‘generative’,
transformational generative grammar, structure and structure-
dependence, diagnostics for structure; complements and adjuncts,
principles and parameters theory, X-bar theory, theta theory, binding
theory; pro-drop, NP-movement, wh-movement, head movement,
adjunction and substitution, constraints on movement, subjacency,
government and proper government, small clauses, topicalization;
unergatives and unaccusatives, VP-internal subject hypothesis; split
VP and VP-shell hypothesis, cross-over phenomena; checking theory
of case, copy theory of movement, inclusiveness principle.
Some Key Concepts in the Minimalist Programme: Spell-out, greed,
procrastination, last resort, AGR-based case theory, multiple-spec
hypothesis, strong and weak features; interpretable and non-
interpretable features.
Transformational Components: The copy theory of movement, its
properties, checking devices and features of convergence.
Unit 5. Semantics and Pragmatics
Semantics: Types of meaning; descriptive, emotive and phatic; sense and
reference, connotation and denotation, sense relations (homonymy, hyponymy,
antonymy, synonymy, etc.); types of opposition (taxonomic, polar, etc.);
ambiguity, sentence meaning and truth conditions, contradictions, entailment;
‘abhidha’, ‘laksana’, ‘vyanjana’; Notions of membership, union, intersection,
cardinality; mapping and functions; propositions, truth values, sentential
connectives; arguments, predicates, quantifiers, variables; componential
analysis; definiteness, mood and modality, specific vs. generic; definite and
indefinite; compositionality and its limitations.
Pragmatics: Language use in context; communication: message model
and inferential model of communication, sentence meaning and utterance
meaning; speech acts; deixis; presupposition and implicature: Gricean
maxims; information structure; indexicals, politeness, power and solidarity,
discourse analysis.
Unit 6. Historical Linguistics
Sound Change: Neogrammarian laws of phonetic change: Grimm’s, Verner’s,
Grassmann’s Laws; genesis and spread of sound change; split and merger;
conditioned vs. unconditioned change; types of changes—phonetic vs.
phonemic changes; assimilation and dissimilation, coalescence, metathesis,
deletion, epenthesis; lexical diffusion of sound change; analogy and its
relationship to sound change; reconstructing the proto-stages of languages; tree
and wave models; relative chronology of different changes. Sociolinguistic
approach to language change: social motivation of language change; study of
sound change in progress.
Morphosyntactic and Semantic Change: Phonological change leading to
changes in morphology and syntax; syncretism, grammaticalisation and
lexicalisation; principles of recovering grammatical categories and
contrasts; semantic change and processes of semantic change—extension,
narrowing, figurative speech.
Linguistic Reconstruction: External vs. internal reconstruction: comparative
method, collection of cognates, establishing phonological correspondences;
reconstruction of the phonemes of the proto-language based on contrast and
complementation; morphophonemic alternations as the source for
reconstruction; recovering historical contrasts by comparing, alternating and
non-alternating paradigms; accounting for exceptions to sound change—
analogy, borrowing, onomatopoeia, the interplay of analogy and sound change;
Language Contact and Dialect Geography: Linguistic borrowing, lexical and
structural; motivations, loan translation, loan blend, calque, assimilated and
unassimilated loans: tadbhava and tatsama; different types of borrowing–
cultural, intimate and dialect; classification of loanwords; impact of
borrowing on language; pidgins and creoles; bilingualism as the source for
borrowing; dialect geography: dialect atlas; isogloss; focal area, transition area
and relic area.
Unit 7. Sociolinguistics
Basic Concepts: Sociolinguistics and sociology of language; micro-and macro
approaches to language in society; linguistic repertoire: language, dialect,
sociolect, idiolect; diglossia, taboo, slang; elaborated and restricted codes; speech
community, communicative competence, ethnography of speaking; language of
wider communication; lingua franca; language and social inequality; language in
diaspora; new linguistic world orders.
Linguistic Variability: Patterns in linguistic variation, linguistic variables and
their co-variation with linguistic dimensions, social class / social network / age /
gender/ ethnicity; language loyalty, social identity and social attitudes,
Language Contact: Bilingualism, multilingualism; code-mixing and code-
switching; outcomes of language contact: language maintenance, borrowing,
convergence, substratum effect, pidginization and creolization; language loss.
Language Development: Language planning, corpus and status planning,
standardisation and modernisation; language movements – state and societal
interventions; script development and modifications; linguistic minorities and
their problems.
Language Ecology and Endangerment: Superdiversity; linguistic landscaping,
linguistic vitality, language endangerment, parameters of endangerment,
documentation of endangered languages, revitalisation.
Sociolinguistic Methodology: Sampling and tools; identification of sociolinguistic
variables and their variants; data processing and interpretation; quantitative
analysis of data; variable rules; ethnomethodology; participant observation.
Unit 8. Areal Typology and South Asian Language Families
Language Typology, Universals and Linguistic Relatedness: Language
typology and language universals; morphological types of languages—
agglutinative, analytical (isolating), synthetic fusional (inflecting),
infixing and polysynthetic (incorporating) languages. formal and
substantive universals, absolute and statistical universals;
implicational and non-implicational universals; linguistic
relatedness—genetic, typological and areal classification of
Approaches for Study: Inductive vs deductive approaches; universals
of language and parametric variation; word order typology;
Greenberg’s characteristics for verb final and verb medial languages
and related features in the context of South Asian Languages.
Salient Features of South Asian Languages: Phonetic, phonological,
morphological, and syntactic features of Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Austro-
Asiatic, and Tibeto-Burman language families of South Asia;
Linguistic Survey of India as a source of information; contact induced
typological change; convergence and syntactic change.
India as a Linguistc Area: The notion of linguistic area; language
contact and convergence with special reference to the concept of
‘India as a Linguistic Area’; features of retroflexion, vowel harmony,
aspiration, reduplication, echo formation, onomatopoeia, explicator
compound verbs, anaphora; India as a sociolinguistic area, India as a
semantic area; notion of microlinguistic area.
Unit 9. Interdisciplinary and Applied Linguistics—I
(Psycholinguistics, Language Learning and Language Teaching)
Basic Concepts: Basic issues in psycholinguistics, brain language relationship, the
different theoretical orientations: empiricist-behaviourist, biological-
nativist, and cognitive-interactionalist, biological foundations of language;
language acquisition and stages; critical pe r i o d h y p o t h e s i s .
Language Processing: The processes of perception, comprehension and
production; evidence of language production; steps in comprehension; mental
representation of language and lexicon; relationship between comprehension and
Clinical Psycholinguistics: Normal and pathological language;
aphasia; dyslexia; stuttering; language in the hearing-impaired; language in
mental retardation.
Language Learning and Language Teaching:
Language Teaching and Language Learning: First and second language
learning; behaviouristic and cognitive theories of language learning; social and
psychological aspects of second language acquisition; methods of language
teaching; materials and teaching-aids in language teaching; computer assisted
language teaching (CALT); language testing: types of tests; validity, reliability
and standardization of tests; Interlanguage.
Language Teaching Analysis: Goals of language teaching; factors in the
preparation of a language teaching syllabus: linguistic theory, social and
psychological factors, needs analysis, class-room presentation; text-book
evaluation; types of syllabus: structural, communicative, notional; the role of the
teacher and teacher training; role of self-access packages; socio-linguistic and
psychological aspects of language teaching and learning.
Contrastive Analysis: Error analysis and interlanguage; basic
interpersonal communicative skills (BICS) and cognitive advanced language
proficiency (CALP);
Unit 10. Interdisciplinary and Applied Linguistics—II (Translation,
Lexicography, Computational Linguistics, Stylistics, Language and Media)
Paraphrase, translation and transcreation; translation of literary text and
technical text; use of linguistics in translation; linguistic affinity and
translatability; untranslatability; units of translation; equivalence of meaning and
style; translation loss and gain; problems of cultural terms; scientific terms; idioms,
metaphors and proverbs; false friends and translation shifts; evaluation of
translation; fidelity and readability; types of translation—simultaneous
interpretation, machine aided translation, media translation (dubbing, copy-
editing, advertisement, slogans, jingles, etc.)
Making of a Dictionary: Linguistics and lexicography, dictionary entries—
arrangement of information; meaning descriptions—synonymy, polysemy,
homonymy, antonymy and hyponymy; treatment of technical terms vs. general
Types of Dictionaries: Literary, scientific and technical; comprehensive and
concise, monolingual and bilingual; general and learner’s. historical and
etymological, dictionary of idioms and phrases, encyclopaedic dictionary,
electronic dictionary, reverse dictionary, thesaurus and other distinguishing
purposes and features of various types; computational lexicography.
Computational Linguistics
Artificial intelligence and language; natural language processing (NLP);
computational linguistics and its relation to allied disciplines; machine
language; parsing and generation; parsers; compilers; interpreters—information
processing, structuring and manipulating data; corpus building; attempts of
NLP and corpus work in India: Anusāraka parsing: morphological recognizers,
analyzers and generators for Indian languages; designing code, building of
machine translation systems (MTS); hyper grammars, building of word nets,
The Kolhapur Corpus of Indian English, the TDIL Corpus Project.
Style— individual style, period style; style as choice, style as deviation, style
as ‘rīti’, style as ‘alankāra’; style as ‘vyanjanā’ (‘vakrokti’); Foregrounding;
Parallelism; Text as grammar: structure and texture, cohesion and coherence;
semiotic aspects of a literary text; stylistics of discourse; levels of stylistic
analysis—phonological, lexical, syntactic and semantic; stylistic devices in
literary texts.
Language and Media
Mass media: print and electronic, types of language used in mass media: news,
editorials, advertising, writing and editing for print and electronic media, impact
of mass media on language.
Paper 2 Syllabus Download Pdf:
Ugc Net Linguistics Syllabus 2023 in English
Ugc Net Linguistics Syllabus 2023 in Hindi
Preparation Tips for UGC NET Linguistics Exam 2023:
Here are some tips for preparing for the UGC NET Linguistics exam 2023:
- Understand the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly.
- Make a study plan
- Refer to standard textbooks and study materials recommended for the exam.
- Practice previous year question papers and mock tests.
- Focus on time management and accuracy while attempting the questions.
- Take regular breaks and maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid burnout.
- Join coaching classes or online courses if necessary.
- Stay updated with current affairs related to the Linguistics field.
Important Points:
- The UGC NET Linguistics exam is conducted by NTA for candidates who wish to pursue a career in Linguistics.
- The exam assesses the candidates’ knowledge in the subject and tests their eligibility for lectureship and research fellowships.
- The exam pattern of UGC NET Linguistics 2023 includes multiple-choice questions and is conducted in online mode.
- The marking scheme of the exam is +2 for a correct answer and no negative marking for incorrect answers.
- The duration of the exam is 3 hours, and the number of questions is 150.
- The UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023 PDF Download is an important document that provides a detailed outline of the topics that will be covered in the exam.
- To download the syllabus, candidates can visit the official website of NTA and click on the link provided.
- The syllabus is available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free.
- The syllabus is divided into nine units, each covering a specific topic related to Linguistics.
- To prepare for the exam, candidates must understand the syllabus, make a study plan, practice previous year question papers, join a coaching institute, take mock tests, and revise regularly.
- Is there any negative marking in the UGC NET Linguistics exam 2023? Ans: No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
- Can I download the UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023 PDF from the official website? Ans: Yes, the syllabus is available for download on the official website of NTA.
- What is the duration of the UGC NET Linguistics exam 2023? Ans: The duration of each paper is 3 hours.
Also Check:
In conclusion, the UGC NET Linguistics exam 2023 is a crucial opportunity for aspirants who want to pursue a career in the teaching or research field. To crack the exam, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, exam pattern, and prepare accordingly. With a comprehensive understanding of the UGC NET Linguistics Syllabus 2023 PDF download and proper preparation, you can clear the exam with flying colors.